Once you know your limits you can go beyond them. - Albert Einstein
As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. - Rumi
My Blog
“Good writing isn’t a science. It’s an art, and the horizon is infinite. You can always get better.”
- David Foster Wallace
Cognitive Biases in Data Science: The Category-Size Bias
Exploring Counterfactual Insights: From Correlation to Causation in Data Analysis
Beyond Bar Charts: Data with Sankey, Circular Packing, and Network Graphs
P-Values: Understanding Statistical Significance in Plain Language
Migrating a Website to AWS [Part - 2 Dynamic Content - Setting up Forms and subscriptions ]
The dark side of ChatGPT
Transferring a Website from Wix to AWS [Part - 1 Static Content]
A Layman's Introduction to Autoencoders
Time Travel, why it actually doesn't matter.
The Science of Emotion and why they can be modeled
A Layman's Introduction to MCMC
Finding and Locating Byzantine Robots in a Swarm using Machine Learning and Blockchains.